नारायण सूक्तम् अर्थ सहित | Narayana Suktam with meaning

 नारायण सूक्तम् (Narayan Suktam)

सहस्रशीर्षं देवं विश्वाक्षं विश्वशंभुवम् ।Click here to watch the video of Narayan Suktam

विश्वं नारायणं देवमक्षरं परमं पदम् ॥

विश्वतः परमान्नित्यं विश्वं नारायणं हरिम् ।

विश्वमेवेदं पुरुषः तद्विश्वमुपजीवति ॥

पतिं विश्वस्य आत्मा ईश्वरं शाश्वतं शिवमच्युतम् ।

नारायणं महाज्ञेयं विश्वात्मानं परायणम् ॥

नारायण परो ज्योतिरात्मा नारायणः परः ।

नारायण परं ब्रह्म तत्त्वं नारायणः परः ।

नारायण परो ध्याता ध्यानं नारायणः परः ॥

यच्च किंचित् जगत् सर्वं दृश्यते श्रूयतेऽपि वा ।

अंतर्बहिश्च तत्सर्वं व्याप्य नारायणः स्थितः ॥

अनन्तमव्ययं कविं समुद्रेन्तं विश्वशंभुवम् ।

पद्मकोश प्रतीकाशं हृदयं च अपि अधोमुखम् ॥

अधो निष्ठ्या वितस्त्यान्ते नाभ्याम् उपरि तिष्ठति ।

ज्वालामालाकुलं भाती विश्वस्यायतनं महत् ॥

सन्ततं शिलाभिस्तु लम्बत्या कोशसन्निभम् ।

तस्यान्ते सुषिरं सूक्ष्मं तस्मिन् सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितम् ॥

तस्य मध्ये महानग्निः विश्वार्चिः विश्वतो मुखः ।

सोऽग्रविभजंतिष्ठन्नाहारमजरः कविः ॥

तिर्यगूर्ध्वमधश्शायी रश्मयः तस्य सन्तता ।

सन्तापयति स्वं देहमापादतलमास्तकः ।

तस्य मध्ये वह्निशिखा अणीयोर्ध्वा व्यवस्थिताः ॥

नीलतोयद-मध्यस्थ-द्विद्युल्लेखेव भास्वरा ।

नीवारशूकवत्तन्वी पीता भास्वत्यणूपमा ॥

तस्याः शिखाया मध्ये परमात्मा व्यवस्थितः ।

स ब्रह्म स शिवः स हरिः स इन्द्रः सोऽक्षरः परमः स्वराट् ॥

ऋतं सत्यं परं ब्रह्म पुरुषं कृष्ण पिङ्गलम् ।

ऊर्ध्वरेतं विरूपाक्षं विश्वरूपाय वै नमो नमः ॥

ॐ नारायणाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि ।

तन्नो विष्णुः प्रचोदयात् ॥

ॐ शांति शांति शांतिः ॥

Infinite His heads, everywhere seeing His eyes, all-pleasing, Universal Divinity, whose existence

or experience is beyond our senses.

Permanently everlasting, from hither and beyond, this Universal Resident is the snatcher of our

limitations. This Universe is but He only, the filler unseen. It subsists upon Him only.

Lord & Master, Soul of the Universe, the Controller Eternal, absolutely pure and good, the

infallible Nārāyaṇam. He alone is that Great Knowledge which ought to be known, Universal

Soul, beyond cognition of our body-mind-senses.

Nārāyaṇaḥa is the Ultimate Light of the Soul, Nārāyaṇaḥa is the Ultimate Supreme Essence,

Nārāyaṇaḥa is above and beyond everything, the Ultimate Absolute Supreme One.

Nārāyaṇaḥa is the only Meditator-Seer, who is meditating upon Nārāyaṇaḥa. Whatever,

whichever, wherever is seen or heard, this entire Universe which is birthed and dies, all this is

verily Nārāyaṇaḥa.

Inside us and outside too, Nārāyaṇaḥa pervades everything everywhere. Unending,

inexhaustible, the Poet, He pleases all till the very ends of the ocean (Universe).

Appears like a downwards facing bunch of lotus petals all shining at the heart centre. More

precisely located at a distance of one-palm-span downwards from the Adam’s apple and upwards

from the navel.

Shining like a garland of flames, this is the great abode of the entire Universe. Equally present

around (the heart centre) (refer earlier verse) it hangs therein like a bunch of shining, dazzling,


At its end (refer earlier verse) is a fine thread like, invisible location where everything is reflected.

At its centre, is a fire so great. It blazes and faces on all sides.

He is the main Digester who breaks down all matter ingested, the un-decaying Poet (Source of all

inspiration) located diagonally across, above and below (everywhere) and is present latently

hidden (sleeps) and lies everywhere equally present as light particles.

At its centre is placed an atomic sized upwards facing fiery point which heats up one’s own body

absolutely equally from top-to-toe.

t shines like a streak of lightning from amongst blue clouds and dazzles at its tip like a very fine,

very slim, atomic yellow light.

At the very centre of its tip is placed the Ultimate Soul Essence, the Supreme Being. Indeed, He is

Bramhan! He is Śhiva! He is Hari! He is Indra! He is the un-decaying Eternal Ultimate! He is

the Self-luminous! He is beyond and above all that there is!

He is the magnetic & attractive Ultimate Supreme Essence. He is the day & night. He is the

cosmic rhythm, He is the Absolute Truth. He is the one Puruṣhaḥa that fills up everything

everywhere. He is the Creative Essence that sublimates all. He is the specially seeing, all-seeing

Eye. He is in all forms, He is the form of the entire Universe! Namaḥa! Namaḥa!

To Him our repeated namaskārs!

We all know Nārāyaṇa, we all focus upon Him as God of all our treasures;

O Viṣhṇuḥu! Inspire us all!

Peace to the body, mind and soul.


नारायण सूक्त के लाभ / Narayana Suktam Benefits in Hindiश्री नारायण सूक्त का पाठ व्यक्ति को मानसिक शांति प्रदान करता है।इस स्तोत्र के पाठ घर में धन – धान्य किए प्रचुरता होती है।भगवान् श्री हरी नारायण को प्रसन्न करने हेतु यह सूक्त सर्वाधिक सुलभ मार्ग है।इस स्तोत्र के पाठ से कुंडली में बृहस्पति ग्रह किए स्थिति प्रबल होती है।नारायण सूक्त का पाठ नि

यमित करने से घर में मांगलिक आयोजन होते हैं।


Dr. Satyakam nagar


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